
Think about your summer so far. Have you relaxed enough? Spent enough quality time with your family and friends? Had enough adventures? You have several weeks left in the summer. Identify several key things you want to be sure to do before the summer ends.

Adam Chalker

Identify one decision you need to make but have procrastinated in making. Journal about it for 5 minutes. This might involve a SWOT analysis, pro/con list, mind-map, decision tree or straight prose. Do whatever will help you think through it, but think on paper.

Adam Chalker

“The world breaks everyone and afterwards many are strong at the broken places.”

- Ernest Hemingway

Journal Question: In what ways are you now strong where once you were broken?

Adam Chalker

Find one person on your team or in your organization to reach out to and thank today.

Adam Chalker

Strategy involves choices and trade-offs, i.e. deciding to do certain things and deciding not to do others.

What do you want to “go big” on this week? For you to “go big” on these things, what will you need to say no to?

Adam Chalker